
I’m working on a new utility that is going to be able to create configuration files for both VMware Player and Xen virtual machines from the same tool. It’ll be written using C# on the Mono Runtime and Gtk#. I’m writing this because currently you’ve got to have VMWare Workstation installed on Linux to create machines for Player. The only utility that I’ve found that can create VMWare Player images is Windows based and doesn’t work with Wine. Hopefully I’ll have it ready for release in the next couple of weeks, the virtual disk spec from VMWare is extremely helpfull.

One Response to VMBuilder

  1. Well..Fix of the app limit and some files not moving over or something it is causing you to either have applications look like the are installing fine or they install and then get an error tied to the launch icon. Come on http://tropaadet.dk/tenamcleod3261808190

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